It's not that I'm tired of answering questions, it's just that I'm generally getting the same ones over and over again so I thought why not start a faq section? lol!
Where do you get all these lyrics?
Every song I have on here, I have. I listen to the song myself and type up the lyrics myself. If I need help, I'll consult one of my friends, but mostly it's gonna come from me.
How do you hear all the things they say?
Honestly? I don't know. I guess I just have a knack for it or something. Maybe it's the music person inside of me. I dunno.
How come you don't have your lyrics color-coded or says who sings what?
Because I'm lazy.
Why don't you have any MMC songs?
This is an *NSYNC lyrics site, not a MMC site. I only include songs they've done since they have been a group.
Why do you have it as "If Only In Heaven's Eyes" when the name of the song is "If Only Through Heaven's Eyes"?
Actually, the name of the song IS "If Only In Heaven's Eyes". That's what it says on the Light It Up Soundtrack and that's what it says on the No Strings Attached album import. They sing "through", but for the title, it's "in".
What happened to nsynclyrics.org (nsynclyrics.cjb.net / oz-expression.nu/nsynclyrics / oz-expression.nu/lyrics)?
She didn't really have the time to keep up with it anymore so she decided to close her site. She redirects her lyrics over to here because my "lyrics site is the only one I want to recommend my visitors too!! *grin*" (her words, not mine).