I spend an abnormal amount of time online, and there are several message boards where I can frequently be found. Feel free to stop in, we'd love to have you.
The Buzz://Forum
The Buzz://Forum at FuMan Skeeto was a second home to me. FMS has since closed it's doors, but The Buzz lives on in all its glory. All the same old crazy crew, and we're always happy to welcome new faces. Just be prepared for our silliness. *Passes the FuCrack* ;0)
The Dax Files
The DaxFiles message board at is one of my favorite places to visit. Topics discussed range from stories of our days to current issues to the inevitable music debates, with NSYNC coming up occasionally. (For those that don't know, Dax was NSYNC's keyboardist from 1997 through mid 1999.) Please come visit, we'd love to have you!