
*NSYNC Fan    Get A Life!
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Dreamin Away Productions

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of the more common questions I'm asked. If you've got a question you don't see answered here feel free to send it to me.

Q:Do you know NSYNC?/ Are you NSYNC?
A: I am not *NSYNC. I do not know anyone remotely official from the *NSYNC camp.

Q: Why did you make this site?
A: I am a communications major with a focus in web design and I figure what better practice than on something that I enjoy.

Q: How do you make a website?
A: Practice. No, I'm serious. There are programs out there (such as PageBuilder at GeoCities) that all you do it push buttons and it does all the work. But I prefer the old- fashioned way of learning the codes and writing all my own HTML. Some great sources to help you along are:
Create It~ 101
GeoCities (for hosting)

Q: Where do you get your ideas?
A: ALL of my ideas are completely original, unless otherwise stated. I ALWAYS give credit where it is due. Alot of my inspiration has come from silly conversations late, LATE at night with some of my online friends. But most of my inspiration comes from the guys themselves. They do all the work, I just add my little Debbie twist. ;-)

Q: Can I use your pictures/ ideas on my site?
A: For questions concerning this, please read my copyright policy.

Q: Can you make me/ show me how to make wallpapers/winamp skins/layouts/graphics, etc?
A: Honestly, I'd love to, but I just don't have the time right now. I may be able to point you in the right direction of someone/something that can help you though.