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Dreamin Away Productions

"Why would I go to an *NSYNC concert? Because they're just such cute boys and they know how to dance. Plus, those guys put on a darn good show!"

"Success is a test to see if friendship keeps on. And it does perfectly. We actually don't want to be without the others."

"There was this one girl I asked out over and over in high school who kept turning me down. I tried being nice. She said no. So, I tried being mean and then I asked her again. She still said no. I never did go out with that girl."

"I like sports, but aside from skating, I'm useless at sports."

"We're still normal guys. It's fun being recognized and everything, which is wonderful. but we're just normal guys. We keep each other in check and make sure our feet are always on the ground. What you see is what you get."

"When we first go out there, I get all choked up- honest to God. The first time we hit the stage and watch everybody's faces glow and get so excited, it's a great feeling. In the first couple of rows, you'll see a lot of teenager. As you move back, you see parents, and you see girlfriends hugging and kissing their boyfriends. And then, when we do 'This I Promise You' you see that it's their song- it's such a great feeling."

"I don't understand how people can do love scenes. When we were shooting On The Line, I was laying on my bed and this girl comes up and like we were just kissing and she rips my shirt off and all this stuff. I was so nervous, I was sweating. I was so embarrassed."

"You see, JC matured too quickly. He peaked at the age of 15 and he's going downhill slowly. All he wants to do now is sleep."

"I like my appearance. It's me. Everybody has theit own individual things, whatever, but, I mean, there's nothing that I would really change because that doesn't make you you."

"My parents have been very supportive of me. They think it's wonderful. They've backed us up from the very beginning and I love them for it and thank them."

"I've been the same goofy guy as ever. I've had the same friends. I don't take this fame stuff seriously. It's just a job I love."