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Dreamin Away Productions

"That was such an awkward time. In ninth grade, my body just did not catch up with my brain."

"I'm not bossy, I'm just in order."

"I miss the early days. I miss the innocence, being out there not knowing what's going to happen. I think it totally built our character and those days were fun."

"To be honest, I only went to the MMC audition to get out of going to school. The weird thing is, if I hadn't skipped school that day, I'd never have met Justin and *NSYNC might never have happened."

"I respect my dad because he respects other people. He takes the time to listen to my point of view."

"Our fans have been awesome. I think they must be the most energetic people on the face of the Earth and we love that. Our fans inspire us. We love the energy and creativity they put out. It makes us work even harder."

"He's [Justin] very, very athletic and he's always dying to do things and have a good time. I also love his sincerity- he'd a really nice, genuine kind of person."

"I'm not the prankster of the group, so I have the pranks played on me."

"I don't walk around thinking I'm sexy. I just do my day-to-day stuff- I try to learn the next dance steps, to sing the best I can. You can't be sexy forever- unless you're Sean Connery."

"We were so poor that we used the same outfits every night. Justin and Lance's moms used to wash everything in the bathtub every night and hang them up. Some nights they wouldn't even get around to it because we were travelling. Boy, those shirts used to smell."

"Everybody has their own path. The one thing you've got to do is be true to yourself and do your thing."