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Dreamin Away Productions

Liner Notes

Celebrity (2001)

Chris would like to thank JC and sometimes Lance and Justin and this one time Joey, no two times Joey. Actually could you swtich JC and Joey? But seriously, just Justin. No make that Lance. Come to think of it, it should just be Joey.

I was walking towards the front of the bus to get the waters. When I passed by bunk and my telephone rang. I answered it and the person on the other end said "Earthquake." and just then the bus hit a bump, and it freaked me out and I dropped my phone and the battery fell off. So, as I'm bending down to pick up the battery, I hit my head on the edge of the bunk and it knocked me out... cold. And then I had one of those "Wizard of Oz" dreams. You know, one of the dreams that last for hours, but only lasted 50 seconds... and when I came to, I noted that you and you and you were there! So I continued on my quest for the water, as I opened the door on the front of the bus. My bus driver turned to me and said "Where's my horse?" Just then I realized the bus was out of control. I grabbed the steering wheel.. that would be the first bump you felt. So I had to slam it into gear, with no clutch... that would be the second bump you felt. And, as the entire crew was celebrating me saving the day, I got caught up in the hype and forgot to bring you the water.

I would like to thank God, my four brothers, my family, my friends, the crew and the entire Voltron force. A big thank you to our fans. You make us who we are. And if you read through this entire thank you, please go out and do a nice thing for somebody.

Chris Kirkpatrick