Got A Question?

Can I use/repost your [insert content from this site]?
I will consider allowing repostings of certain things from this site on a case by case basis. But if you would like to repost something, email me with details of what you would like to do, and I will consider it, but I can't make any promises. Not asking before you take something is called STEALING, and is NOT okay. Be SURE that I've okay-ed it before you repost anything from this site.

When are you gonna update?
With a site like this, its tough to predict updates. The best that I can say is I can update whenever inspiration strikes, which is usually in the form of the boys doing something dork-tastic.

I have a great idea for the site! Will you use it?
Send it my way! I can't guarantee I will use everything that's sent, but if I do, you will be fully credited for your contributions.