Obligatory Disclaimer

Just a few things that need to be stated so I don't get hassled or sued.

I am not *NSYNC. I do not own *NSYNC. I do not know *NSYNC or anyone remotely official from the *NSYNC camp.

Everything on this site is 100% original unless stated otherwise. All original ideas/content/graphics are MINE, which means stealing is a no-no. (On the same note, if you notice something is mis-credited on this site, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.)

If you are someone official, please don't sue me. I'm not making a penny off of this site, and I am only a fan trying to make people smile.

And lastly, while I think this is rather obvious, it needs to be spelled out just in case. I AM an *NSYNC fan. Ridiculously so. This is NOT an *NSYNC hate site in ANY way. Do NOT take anything on this site seriously. It is all meant to be funny. I will never post humor I think is disrespectful or mean- natured in any way. In fact, I'd like to think that the guys would get a good laugh out of what I have to say. So, please refrain from sending me hatemail because it just wastes my time and yours. Thank you!

Any comments, questions, etc can be addressed to me (Debbie) at debbie@kirkpatrick.nu.