There's TWO Of Them??

Through some in- depth undercover research I have discovered that NSYNC's own Joey Fatone has a long lost twin brother. I have for you not only pictures to prove the brotherly resemblence, but some rather creepy personal stats that are too coincidental to not be true. Ladies and gentleman, I present you with Joey's twin brother...








Don't believe me? Just check out this evidence. (All Ernie facts were at some point posted on the Sesame Street Website.)

Date of Birth:
Joey: January 28th
Ernie: "January 28th"

Overall Description:
Ernie: "Ernie is the member of the Bert-and-Ernie team who is full of surprises. He is friendly and happy-go-lucky. Ernie loves to sing in the tub and play good-natured jokes on his buddy-ol'-pal Bert."
Joey: Joey is the member of the NSYNC team who is full of surprises. He is friendly and happy-go-lucky. Joey loves to sing in the tub and play good-natured jokes on his buddy-ol'-pals JC, Chris, Lance, and Justin.

Best Friends:
Ernie: "Bert, who he spends ALL his time with."
Joey: JC, Chris, Justin and Lance, who he spends ALL his time with.

Ernie: "Playing tricks on Bert; eating Bert's pizza; taking baths with Rubber Duckie"
Joey: Playing tricks on the guys; eating the guys' pizza; taking baths with Rubber Duckie

Ernie: "When it's his turn to clean up; when Bert won't play"
Joey: When it's his turn to clean up; when the guys won't play.

The boys recently met up again when NSYNC paid a visit to Sesame Street. They took a family photo to remember the occasion. :)

Even though they have grown up apart, we can still see their twin similarities: